In my post
last week I stated that recessions were often caused by monetary policy
actions. Some people think it is bazaar if not evil to say such a thing. Policy
is formed to create good outcomes – not recessions. But policymakers are just
like you and me – prone to error and especially so when we think we are doing
something for the greater good.
Since I
sometimes write things based on what I think I know, I decided to bring up some
data and see if there is any truth to what I think I know about inflation and
recessions. But let’s first review the simple theory since it is relevant to current
monetary policy.
Monetary policymakers worry the economy is fragile so they
keep interest rates low by letting the money supply expand faster than my belt
at a July 4th BBQ.
In so doing they risk overheating the economy
When the economy expands too quickly this leads to higher
Upon seeing higher inflation, the Fed restricts money,
interest rates rise, aggregate demand contracts, and a recession ensues.
Cinderella is then run over by her coach. Yes she was a
little tipsy.
Looking at graphs never proves a theory but I am so old that I have forgotten how to run proper scientific experiments and besides, many of you are cynical enough to believe I faked the results anyway. You can check or reproduce my results by going to the FRED data service at . Then choose the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers: All Items. Then choose annual rates of change. That is what I call “inflation’.
I begin this story by looking at seven US recessions from 1970 to 2008. That means we are looking at almost 40 years of US history. If you want to go back farther that is okay with me but I figured that is enough years for our purposes here. These seven recessions are shown on the graph below as vertical shaded areas.
Inflation went from:
less than 2.5% to more than 5% right before the 1970
recession started
a little more than 2.5% to more 10%
before the 1974 recession
just over 5% to around 13% before
the 1980 and 1982 recessions
under 2.5% to over 5% before the
1992 recession
about 2% to over 3% before the 2002
about 2% to about 4% before the 2008
Every one of
these seven recessions was preceded by a substantial and worrisome increase in
the inflation rate.
pretty interesting. Do I hear clapping in the background? But some of you sharp
cookies (since when is a cookie sharp?) are saying stuff like the following.
This proves nothing since Larry is focused on just two variables. If money is
part of the story, then clearly I need to show the following – inflation was
worrisome enough to elicit a Fed tightening of policy and that tightening
caused the economy to contract. And the coup de gras (Charlie, coup de gras is not a race car) is that I need to show that nothing else was a major
contributing factor to each of these recessions. For example, some of you
smarty-pants will point out that the dot-com bust was a major factor causing
the 2002 recession.
To the above
I say raspberries (why is there a P in raspberries?). I could add more data but
this is a family blog and I don’t want to pollute the environment. I challenge you to do some simple search
research with your favorite search engine using words like inflation, monetary
policy, recession, 1980. You will find
it difficult to dismiss the strong possibility that too much money caused
inflation and too much inflation caused tight money and ensuing economic
Which leads me to the following question: Does the future or at least the next few years have to imitate the last 40 years?
Maybe that graph and all the discussion above is irrelevant
for beyond 2015.
Maybe all that money injected recently will not ever cause higher
Even if inflation does begin to rise, maybe the Fed won’t
tighten vigorously
Even if the Fed worries about rising inflation and tightens,
maybe it won’t cause a recession
Since this blog is about you as much as me, I won’t answer those questions. But I am wondering what you think about them. Are we in a new world in which inflation is not a problem? Will that new world imply that the rules of money have been revoked? Will the Fed escape a period of historical monetary increases without causing a dent in the future economy? Does Janet Yellen know how to cha cha cha?

Dear LSD. I did a lot of coup de gras in the 60s/70s, thank you. Are we in a new world in which inflation is not a problem? Probably in the short term, but I can say with 100% certainty that that won’t last.
ReplyDeleteWill that new world imply that the rules of money have been revoked? Naw, money or some other form of value exchange will endure . . . even if it’s a vewrry simple system such as barter . . . which might occur if the world powers don’t cool off (not climate, BTW). Bitcoin bit the dust.
Does Janet Yellen know how to cha cha cha? I don’t know but she shurely doesn’t know a good hair stylist.
Until labor markets tighten I don’t see inflation increasing.