Tuesday, August 6, 2019

I Hate Hate

Sometimes I depart from macro so I can vent a bit on other subjects. Today the subject is hate. Grr.

I hate hate.

What a great title for a blog post! Think about it. What does it mean to hate hate?

Notice that the first hate in my short sentence is a verb and the second one is a direct object.

Notice also if hate (the direct object) is something bad, then how can you hate (verb) that? If hating is so bad why do you do it?

So that’s what got me started. Everyone hates hate. But nowadays, more people seem to be hateful!

What is hate? Wikipedia is helpful.
  • Hate is a heavy metal band from Poland but let’s ignore that one.
  • Synonyms for the verb hate: loathe, detest, dislike, greatly abhor, despise, feel hostile toward, find intolerable, recoil from
  • Synonyms for the noun hate: feelings of hate and revenge, detestation, abhorrence, abomination, execration, resentment, hostility
Hatred has no positives. Prolonged hate tends to cause fixation on the hated ones and wastes a lot of time and energy -- and in extreme cases leads to violence or retribution. Which most likely causes more hate, violence and retribution. 

Hatred seems to be out of step with most religions. I don’t know many spiritual people who don’t follow the golden rule: do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Surely hatred is not part of any of those religions. I don’t think Buddha taught people to hate each other.                                                   

So there you go. I can’t really hate hate because I don’t want to hate anything. But I sure want to make it clear that hate ought to be less prevalent today.

No, I am not going to get into the trap today of saying this or that about political parties or their followers. My observation is that some people on both sides of the political spectrum are filled with hatred.

Notice one thing about hatred – it is much easier to do when you perceive that the other (bad) guys hate you. As long as anyone believes there are people who hate them, then the hate party will go on.

It’s a bit like the famous Prisoner’s Dilemma. If Joe thinks Bob is going to rat on him, then he is probably going to rat on Bob. Bob and Joe need a private meeting to agree to not rat on each other.

I think all of us need to have a private meeting and decide we are members of the same human race, and we are killing each other by hating each other.

Rant over. Thank you.


  1. It seems that there is a fear of and now a self consciousnesses of others derived upon our natural protective personalities. Both extreme parts of both parties show this. Also there are the mentally ill. In the late 80's mental hospitals stopped receiving government funding. Gun purchase laws do not require any check on past mental conditions. The internet along with both digital movies and games create a subconscious feeling. Why has this sprung up? We need to know the answers and politically guess before the problem wrecks the feeling of freedom we have enjoyed.

  2. Dear LSD. Yer gunna wuv this. It’s gunna be tuff, but stay wid me here . . cuz de Tuna is gunna man’splain the solidarity of the sitchiation to ya. Me thinkz the predicate to yer yelp is the recent shoot’nz. So, I will use that to further ‘splain to ya.

    We gotz in the kuntry an intolerance group of folkz that can’t deal wid reality. Some say they’re tolerant but weally they aren’t ‘cauze they won’t let others speak their mind or post opinions. Other supposed tolerant and objective folkz mischaracterize the newz and occasionally outright lie. When some folkz want to speak publicly the aforementioned tolerant folkz shout down the speakers, violently protest and cauz bodily and property damage: Me thinkz those 'tolerant' folkz have dain bramage and suffer an extreme newly-discovered delusion syndrome.

    Now about those shoot’nz. The aforementioned tolerant and objective folkz who suffer dain bramage and extreme delusion syndrome have a’nudder malady . . . which that be toxic hypocrisy. Case in point and example: Under former POTUS Obummer there were 32 mass shoot’nz https://www.politico.com/story/2019/08/06/trump-attacks-obama-shootings-statement-1448922. The aforementioned tolerant and objective folkz don’t mention that. Yet current POTUS DJT getz vilified for the recent shoot’nz. Me sez ‘toxic’ ‘cuaz if the aforementioned tolerant and objective folkz would allow folkz to express opinions without trying to shut’m down, stop protesting violently and hurt’n folkz, and misrepresenting newz maybe the hatred and hypocrisy would go away.

    Intolerance, violent protesting and bodily/property damage, shutting down others’ speech, and purposefully misrepresenting factz/newz = toxic comboz = hypocrisy and hatred. So, there ya have it as best I can man’splain it.

    1. As usual the Tuna has made a great dive with minimal splash. Nice points. But if its gunna be tough -- let's keep it that way. First, I wrote the post before the recent rash of killings so it wasn't about that in specifics. It was more general.Second, if I read you right you are mostly pointing your fingers at the intolerant lefties. So the process goes on...and on. So the lefties point at the righties and the righties point at the lefties. Each thinks the other is the cursed one. The Prisoner's Dilemma begins with the idea that if one guy rats on the other -- he will go free and his buddy will serve the time. But they figure out that if they both do that -- both will serve time. Stupid. The better approach is to collude or cooperate so that they both go free. The world is never as simple as the ideologues paint. It is possible for the sides to cooperate. We'd be better off, I think, if they did. But sadly, the leaders of the extremes get wealth and power from the fight and they will not be easily dislodged by compromise.

    2. Ah-h-h-h-h, 0 great macro-man. You are kerect-o-mundo regarding the intolerant lefties. Also kerect-o-mundo regarding mutual finger point’n. Butt . . . ‘n herz the big butt: While the righties might point fingers they are not protesting violently resulting in body/property damage, not censoring/preventing others’ speech and opinion, and not misrepresenting/lying about newz/factz. If the intolerant lefties would stop those behaviors maybe the two sides could hug, kiss, and make-out . . . collude and cooperative even. If that occurs the intolerant lefties could significantly reduce the cost of their medical treatment for their delusional syndrome.

    3. I don't agree with you about who is the worst. And so long as one side thinks the other side is badder (rhymes with bladder) I see little chance for all that kissin and huggin.

  3. "Trump despises Warren and Sanders and many other things, but doesn't fear or hate much of anything. Warren and Sanders fear and hate Trump, but don't despise him." True or false?

    1. Thanks Eric. Not sure I can answer your questions. You are using some terms but I am not sure how to define them -- hate, despise, fear? The answer much depends on precise definitions. But perhaps more important is that these are politicians who are known to lie and obfuscate. Mostly they just want to win elections. I don't know what they really think of each other. I can imagine them sitting together in a dimly lit room playing Gin Rummy and laughing about the spectacles they create.
