You have all heard this comment -- the inmates are running the prison. It makes you shake your head. No, the inmates don't run the prisons. That doesn't make sense. If they ran the prison they could open the doors and let everyone out. We have prisons for a reason. If you do hear that statement it means something is wrong.
Well, here goes. How is it possible that the same people -- the people in Congress -- set the value of both the government debt AND they decide on a debt ceiling? How is that possible? What a strange assumption about behavior. The people who create unsustainable debt would then be asked to create a debt ceiling. Would they not let the prisoners out....err I mean would they not raise the ceiling whenever the debt needs to increase again?
It mystifies me that so much press attention goes to this supposed political issue of the debt ceiling. Of course, after enough pontificating they will increase the debt ceiling. Okay maybe they will wait until they get everyone really mad, but what else are they going to do? We have a huge debt in this country and every month the government runs another budget deficit the government has to borrow. It has to sell bonds. Those bonds are the signature of the debt increase.
Note. The government deficit in 2020 alone was $3.13 trillion. In the first eight months of 2021 it was $2.06 trillion. Those are basically one-year figures. They show how much new borrowing the government had to do to keep its activities running. Even though we took in a pile of tax revenues, we were short that much.
Of course, we have been running such deficits each year for quite a while (since Jimmy Kiltie was knee-high to a grasshopper). The total stock of debt we have accumulated is now over $28 trillion. If you can add on your fingers or toes, they means that the debt number will increase by the sum of those recent deficits -- rising by another $5 trillion to the neighborhood of $33 trillion. Wowee. What a ride.
Given that bit of historical background, we return to the issue of debt ceiling. If they don't increase the debt ceiling above, say $28 trillion, then the theory says the government cannot issue that extra $5 trillion of debt. If they cannot increase the total amount of debt above $28 trillion then they have no means to pay for those annual deficits of about $5 trillion. Then what? If they can't have those annual deficits, then they either have to reduce government spending or raise taxes to erase that $5 billion debt.
So you see why Congress would never do that to itself. Congress cannot reduce spending nor raise taxes and still get re-elected.
So what will they do? Of course they will extend the debt ceiling. And move our debt to $33 trillion. And they will blame Putin, Covid19, or little green people from Pandora. Each party will blame the other and Joe will blame his neurologist.
To raise the question again. Why does Congress decide the debt and its ceiling? Why don't we have an impartial non-political institution set the ceiling? If they want I would volunteer to set the limit. Any of you want to volunteer?
I am just hoping that none of this gets settled before next Tuesday so I can post this on my blog as news. Shoot. I will probably post it anyway.