Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Green Lake

I have been in Seattle for a while and it looks like no other place on Earth is ready for me, so I might as well call this home. So it is worthy to write about in the blog.  

You probably already know I live in a neighborhood called Green Lake. It's called Green Lake because there is a lake here called Green Lake. Pretty clever naming scheme. 

Green Lake is a very attractive part of Seattle and attracts its share of sun worshippers. It's not big enough to attract speedboats and is more conducive to sailing and rowing. There is a small public beach as well. Green Lake mostly attracts people to the path that winds around the lake. On any given day  you might see hundreds of people walking the loop. I think it takes about an hour to walk around once. Runners are allowed too as are roller skaters. Bikes are not allowed access to the path but at times people who are poor readers sometimes zoom around to the chagrin of the rest of us. 

The neighborhood of Green Lake is perfect for me. It has just about everything within walking distance -- a grocery store, 7/11 Store, fitness center, at least two Mexican restaurants, other restaurants and various shops.  The lake is located in the middle of a very nice park. Within a short drive in the car is a Safeway, some nice restaurants, and more. Green Lake is north of downtown Seattle -- maybe takes about 10 minutes to drive downtown. Downtown is nice, especially because it is on the water with boats and docks and beautiful views.  

Driving to the west I can be on the Pacific -- lovely beach towns and beaches. Driving east of here takes me to some mountains and mountain towns. 

Green Lake Fitness Center is open to anyone who pays -- but seems to be populated by older folks like me. It doubles as a social club for some of us. It's a serious fitness center with instructors and classes and folks intent on getting a good workout. Sometimes it appears that the jaw is the main muscle being exercised. I took some classes there and decided that I would live long enough without trying to kill myself in very challenging classes. Now I go and workout without anyone yelling at me to do 10 more pushups. 

Even though Seattle is a big city, Green Lake feels like a small town. Whether it is the grocery store or the local tavern, the employees soon recognized me as a regular and often call me Larry. Tacos Guaymas is two blocks from my house and I feel like Victor and Abel are family. All the food is good there but my favorite is the carnitas. Machos Nachos ain't bad either. The family feel of TG generates a very loyal following of customers. It is hard to go there, sit at the bar, and not soon be talking to one of the regulars. When you are from elsewhere like I am, it is  really nice to have a place where you can go and meet nice people. 

I guess I could go on and on and on. I'd love to talk about macro topics but between Donald and Joe and the rest of those clowns in politics, its hard to find anything worth exploring. I cannot remember a time when this country was so poorly governed. 


  1. Hi Larry, nice to read this and I am glad to know you are enjoying life at that beautiful place. Hope to visit some of those nice places abroad once there is a favorable exchange rate between the US dollar and the argentinean peso and or salaries here go back to "normal" (I cannot remember a time when my country, Argentina, had so low salaries). It seems there are too many clowns in politics everywhere nowadays (and they usually have a living standard closer to the one of a CEO, more tan the one of a clown. Nice risk return relationship for them).
    Always remembering your extraordinary macro clases at IU in Bloomington. Best, Gabriel

    1. Interesting comments Gabriel. Thanks for giving us a more international perspective. Best, Larry

  2. Replies
    1. Yep. I walked around it today with my friend Barbara.

  3. Sounds like my opportunity to encourage you in 5 more anything at the gym has passed, guess we double down on more jawing!

    1. There's always an opportunity. Keep at it Coach Lake!
