Tuesday, December 27, 2022


 “Hawk” is a general term used to describe the entire group of diurnal (active by day) predatory birds. Worldwide there are approximately 270 species of carnivorous birds that comprise the order Falconiformes – the scientific name for hawks. All are classified as birds of prey, or raptors.

I thought it might be interesting to look up the word, "hawk". 

Why? you say.

Because too often I hear our politicians or our political views described as hawks or doves.

According to the above description of a hawk, it does not confer a very positive or happy view of what amounts to about half of the voting population. The definition above suggests that a hawk is a bird that is not very friendly to other birds and animals. Unlike other birds that are content to eat berries and such things, hawks are carnivorous.  

In the political arena a hawk, as a opposed to a dove, is used to describe someone who votes conservative and would probably be a Republican. It might be used at times to note a preference for a stronger military or it might describe someone who prefers less government. 

I am not sure that this terminology is useful or descriptive of either political ideology. A hawk is definitely not meant to be a compliment. But being named a dove is not much better. It often means that you prefer peace. That's nice. It also means you can find your way home. Often it means a person who votes liberal and is probably a Democrat. That might be good or bad. 

I suppose that all Ds are not doves and all Rs are not hawks. But sometimes it seems that way.

Whether you are a hawk or a dove, I hope you have a happy New Year. 


  1. "When cornered, desperate, or isolated, man reverts to those instincts that aim straight at survival. Quick and just. They will always be the trump cards because they are passed on more frequently from one generation to the next than the gentler genes. It is not a morality, but simple math. Among themselves, doves fight as often as hawks." Delia Owens, Where the Crawdads Sing

  2. Dear LSD. Hawkz are carnivorz fer shure. They maintain a good balance of squirlz, chipmunkz, ‘n lizardz round my dwell’n. Doves’ gulllets keep my wife replenish’n the bird feeder and leav’n their call’n cards on top of my deck umbrellas. I prefer hawkz cuz they kleen up afterwardz ‘n don’t leave much of a mess whilest dovez leave a big mess. Speak’n of birdz, wut ‘bout robins, blue birdz, ‘n blue jays. Robinz ‘n bu boidz eat worms ‘n jayz eat odder birdz eggz. Seemz carnivorous to me. But, they’re classified as omnivorz . . . eat’n both fruit ‘n meat. Jenny Craig wud say thatz a balanced diet. In a wirld of survival of the fittest I prefer hawkz over dovez. In the political wirld also prefer hawkz over doves, but in the Tuna wirld down below I prefer a kold chardonnay 24/7/365. Cheerz ‘n mucho ‘appy New Year!

    1. Thanks for your educational insights dearest Tuna. But you forgot to mention one bird -- Larry Bird? Happy New Year dear chicken of the sea.
