Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Another Oldie Goldie: Out of the Economic Wilderness

A friend suggested that I recycle some of my older gems from the blog. Today I rehash and remind about the needs for much better policies if we are going to keep the US economy growing. We all want that, right? Whether you are Ds or Rs you want to find a way to have our robots and our jobs too.

I published Out of the Economic Wilderness in January 2018. http://larrydavidsonspoutsoff.blogspot.com/2018/01/out-of-economic-wilderness.html

If anything the process of delivering macroeconomic policies in Washington has gotten worse. There seems to be no party strongly advocating fiscal responsibility. And neither party has anything to say about what to do about the replacement of jobs with technology. Why do we put up with all that crap?

Out of the Economic Wilderness offers no specific solutions but surely the remedies for our current problems are not impossible. Rocky came back several times against heavy odds and he did it without magic. He did it by training smart and training hard. There is no bucket of JD Old Fashions out there that will fix our problems. We need to hunker down and do the tough things it takes to be the most globally competitive country in the world. We need to have the most educated, best trained, and highly motivated employees in the world. It's sad that we don't even think that way.

After the Sputnik challenge this country reacted with energy and focus. The global economic threats today are no less threatening. I hope we get off the dime before its too late.

I hope you enjoy re-reading Out of the Economic Wilderness.


  1. Well those from India and China think that way so they send their people here to get trained. We are exporting education and these Asians are not taking the easy courses or going to the for profit colleges.

    Leaders find solutions not excuses. Bosses and presidents want to win ...hell or high water...without good (if any) solutions. Nothing wrong with winning but remember the old say that is so true....win the battle and lose the war without long term solutions. I live in Florida and it has three micro-economies tourist being the largest. Wages are 3rd lowest in the US but the cost of living is not. Many working people cannot afford decent housing...except those who retire from wealthier areas where they sold their home for twice what is offered here. The question is if 11 million immigrants settled in the US over the last 5 years....what are they doing to earn their living or better how much is it cost to support them....I have no answer but I am sure that in the government stats there at least is some numbers that answers can be deduced from. Also so if 20 million low and mid level jobs were displaced where are these people earning their income?

    1. Hoot there are lots of problems out there among the ones you name. Sadly we allow governments to get away with saying they are going to solve problems while they honestly know almost nothing about how to do that. But it gives them wealth and power and they trust that the population will not see that the emperor has on no clothes.

  2. Dear LSD. I refer to my January 24, 2018 rambling reply to your blog in which I suggested we have a new leader who professes practical policies rather than political. That rubs professional pols of both parties raw. Mr. Gibson sez leaders find solutions—I agwee—but solutions that are successful require compliant followers. Those rubbed raw pro pols are not compliant. The new leader has planted sprouts that portend to be the “much better” policies to which you refer (and prefer) to keep the U.S. economy growing—see today’s job report and stock market. The rubbed raw pro pols need to git outa da way to allow the new leader the latitude to roll out a more robust basket of policies to address infrastructure, immigration, cyber security and technology, better and strategically-focused edukation (need to git the libs/regressives outa edukation), Social Security/Medicare longevity . . . and more. He’s capable of delivering that . . . . but . . . .

    D.C. needs to adhere to the adage: “Lead, follow, or git outa da way.”

    1. Most Tunas generally swim with the school. So I can see your point that we all swim together or get out of the pool. As you know, most Rs spent a lot of time trying to stop the Big O and so now the Ds are doing their bit. But where you and I really disagree is in your desire to support one party. I truly dislike the leadership in both parties and wouldn't trust either one of them to hold my swim fins. I used to like Rs when they were fiscally conservative but they have long left that swimming hole. For some reason I feel like swimming. Hmm.

    2. Dear LSD. If you disagree with supporting one party then logically you support either both parties or no party. Either way the “much better” policies you desire will be DOA. Rs still profess fiscal conservativeness but because most of them are pro pols they know it is not politically viable or practicable given the toxic composition of D.C.

      Come on in—the water is comfy.

    3. You hit the nail on the head. Since both parties are run by extremists we are not going to get my desired policies they are DOA as you say. I feel about these policies like I feel about dunking the basketball. In my youth I could come close. Now I need a stepladder. It ain't gonna happen. These policies ain't gonna happen. So screw both parties. I am done with them. Freed from all that crap I can drink JD with my buddies and enjoy the real rewards of being an old fart. Where the hell did I put my glasses?
